An update, not too long removed from the last!
So, I got in my Bug Hunt Corridor terrain from their kickstarter a year and a half ago. It's been a long wait, but the terrain is awesome. It is basically a replication of the corridors and rooms from the movie Aliens.
The set is a modular setup that allows you to move sections and rooms around to make your experience different every time you play on it.
Here's an example posted on the Kickstarter page:
I have enough to make a setup similar to this. I have a few extra rooms and options.
I am planning to use my set for multiple systems. Mainly Infinity, but also with Secrets of the Third Reich 1949, Gruntz 28mm, and possibly with 15mm Gruntz.
Inspired by a thread on Data-Sphere, I set out to paint my corridor set in a fashion reminiscent of a used military surplus base, or underground bunker complex, or even a gritty future starship plan.
Exterior walls will be in a camo green, interior walls and decking will be in a light corrosion resistan grey, and the walls and accents are going to be in an industrial green from Liquitex Professional Sprays called Viridian Hue #7.
Here's a straight section with the base colors on it
Same Section with some 28mm models on it
Some of my assembly line production
So far I have 12 straight sections started. Lots of work to go.
Looking good so far!