I finished the 4 Infinity models I have been working on. 3 Line Kazaks, and a Scout with AP Sniper rifle.
I had hoped to get more done on my week off work, but life conspired against me.I did at least manage to get these finished and based, and put together almost all of the remaining Ariadna models for my Infinity collection.
Camoflage can blur a model's lines if overdone at this scale, and I think I did a decent job of showing a jungle pattern without making the models details disappear.
Some people suggested a little bit of color, which I have done with the purple alien vegetation on their bases, and little bright spots on the uniforms.
Here's all 4 finished:
And now a couple of individual shots. Once again, my older camera just doesn't quite cut it :( I really need to get a digital camera that will take good macro shots for not a lot of dough.

Line Kazaks Front and back: #1

Scout with AP Sniper rifle: I also proxy this model as a Kazak Forward Observer.

Next up: Tankhunters, Veteran, SAS, Paras etc. etc.